Our unique THz microprobe devices are breaking the limits of conventional THz imaging tools and open a new path to micron-scale resolution contactless near-field measurements.
Thin-film InspectionWafer-scale measurements from sheet-resistance to carrier mobility
Terahertz ResearchGet broadband access to THz near-fields
Volume ScreeningSee micro-defects buried in visually opaque materials
Chip TestingOn-chip measurements from 50 GHz to 2 THz
Thin-film Inspection
Non-destructive testing of wafers, solar cells, displays, flexible electronics and 2D materials (graphene).
Benefit from contactless probing for sheet resistance and carrier mobility imaging at micron-scale resolution. Large wafer-scale areas can be mapped at high-speeds.
Investigate Metamaterials,
Plasmonic structures, Emitters, Waveguides, Sensor surfaces, Graphene and more. Benefit from direct near-field access, cost-efficient system-extension options, high-sensitivity and low-invasiveness provided by our THz micro-probes.
Inspection of plastic laser welds, fiber inforced polymers, organic layers and other materials.
Benefit from our non-destructive & fast inspection method. Find micron-scale defects buried in Vis/IR opaque but THz transparent material.
Delve into the realm of ultrafast electrodynamics. Discover how real-world phenomena taking place in picoseconds can be visualized using a TeraCube M2 THz near-field imaging system.
A NEW WAY TO SEE: Real-world ultra-fast processes captured with the TeraCube M2.
Recent news
Product newsOn-chip THz TDS
From the labsHow chiral fermions move
From the labsChip integrity testing
Product newsNew TxRx probes now available!
Product news
TeraLineX is the ultimate solution for on-chip THz time-domain spectroscopy.
The Florida Institute for Cybersecurity Research at the University of Florida - a pioneer in the development of new test methods for detecting security-relevant hardware modifications - is now taking chip integrity testing a step further with a TeraCube scanner system.